Copyright 1989-92, Charles Eckenroed FILE NAME: Enter any valid file name. The report will be saved with that name. Warning: If the file already exists, it will be replaced. HOW MANY COPIES? Enter the number of copies to be printed for this report. How many copies? Enter the number of copies to be printed for this report. Printer: Select the printer and port to be used for this report. The choices are listed to the right. Use the arrow keys to choose one. If you are unsure, use LPT1. Setup Printer/Port: Setup or change the Printer and/or port assignment. PRINTER ERROR The printer is not responding to the computer. Possible reasons include: 1. Printer turned off 2. Printer unplugged 3. Out of paper 4. "On-line" light is not light. 5. Cable is loose between the printer and the computer. Check the above. Turn the printer off then back on and retry. You may select to view the report on the screen, print on the printer or save it to a file. Use the arrow keys to move to your selection and press the ENTER key. Screen: This opens a window and allows you to view the report on the screen. Printer: This starts the report printing on the printer. You may press the ESC key during printing to cancel at any time. Disk: This will save the report to a disk file. USE THESE KEYS TO MOVE ABOUT Scrolls down one line Scrolls up one line PgDn Scrolls down one screen PgUp Scrolls up one screen ^PgDn Goes to the bottom ^PgUp Goes to the top END Goes to the bottom HOME Goes to the top Moves left 5 columns Moves right five columns Moves to far left Moves to far right ^ means pressed with Ctrl key COPYRITE FILENAMEk GET_CPY GET_CPY2 PRNT_ERR ROUTE SHOWFIL